Wednesday, 7 November 2012

November Goals

My November goals are broken down into many areas of my life. I've got my food/eating goals, my deadline and work goals as a student, and also my exercise goal(s), which is basically to move more if I'm honest. Being a student, especially since I do English Lit and Creative Writing means there's a lot of reading and writing involved meaning I'm sedentary a lot of the time. My goal is to be more active by taking walks for breaks and yoga and also starting to stretch again. I want to start small be consistent and then get back up to the level of activity I was earlier this year.

Food Goals:

  • Eat more intuitively
  • Eat smaller portions
  • Eat only when hunger kicks in (by that I mean not when it goes a certain time and my brain goes FOOD)
  • Listen to my Body
  • Experiment with new food- Especially winter vegetables that sometimes freak me out
Exercise Goals:

  • Move more
  • Stretch more

Studying and Deadlines:
I'm keeping on it at the mo. But I can feel myself slipping on certain modules.

  • Prepare in advance for projects
  • Try to calm my anxiety and panic (and remember it's better to try and fail, than fail to try!)
Basically a month (for me) to get on top of things. And establish some sort of rhythm. 

Right. Moving on to my eats of late. I've been snacking. Which isn't always a good thing for me.

 So it may look and sound disgusting, but it's actually tasty. A jacket potato with cheese ham and onion and then half a plate of sprouts (because they are tasty and it the freezer) covered in red sauce.
 Don't JUDGE a square of dark chocolate and crunchy peanut butter. Tasty snack, just what I wanted.
Strange breakfast but I needed to mix things up. Plus I'm trying to lay off the bread; a banana, plain natural yoghurt, chopped nuts and rice cakes (need to but more I seem to have eaten them all).

It's not all cheese HONEST. A little bit of wholewheat pasta, ham, cheese, some mayo and a tonne of veggies and salad.

Believe it or not the first time I've had toasted pitta bread dipped in my tuscan bean soup (shop brought). I've slightly warmed and coated in PB before but this was definitely one of my most brilliant ideas this week!

Another breakfast (slight) change up; banana, natural plain yog, chopped nuts and a broken up cereal bar.

My fave mug to have hot drinks in of late. I've had this cup since I was thirteen or something like that- love love love it.

It's that time of the month again and I'm craving milk. This was the snack I ate on Sunday whilst putting the finishing touches on an assignment due the next day. God knows where these assignments are coming from. It's like I have one every week.

Ok so I've been very naughty this week! I've been snacking on sweeties that me and my best friend brought on Halloween (luckily, or not so luckily they are all gone).

One of my snacks of choice has been crisps lately [they are all gone :(]

This is the tasty mess that was dinner Tuesday night. Chicken breast chopped up with veggies (lots- we love our mushrooms), seasoned with a pre-made BBQ packet and home-made wedges that I'm getting pro at.

I've really been focusing on getting my veggies, fruits and salads in lately, after noticing I'd been slacking. This is wholewheat pasta, onion, pepper, cucumber, tuna mayo, and later I went back for cheese!

This snack/desert was a bit too much med banana and a gala apple. I've made a concious decision to not buy PB this week it was becoming addictive and I was putting it on everything and anything.

And finally my breakfast this morning. You know it's nearly winter because I'm breaking out the weetabix and warm milk combo, and I added some chopped mixed nuts for some texture. I also ate a banana whilst waiting for the milk to heat as I was really hungry after class.

Is anyone else changing their eating habits up as it's getting colder outside?

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