Wednesday, 15 May 2013

What I ate Wednesday?

Or this post should probably be called what I remembered to snap! It's been a crazy week of revision and it's hard to believe it's all over. What to do with the next 4 months now?

Peas and Crayons
Thanks to Jenn for hosting!

Well here's what I snapped!

Lunch: Wholewheat Pasta, Pasta Sauce + Cheese.
Study Snack: Greek Yoghurt w/ Chopped Nuts + 3 Pieces of Galaxy

Breakfast/Snack/Dinner: Bran Flakes, Chopped Nuts, Sultanas and Semi-Skim Milk.

Wholewheat Spaghetti, 2 Quorn Sausages, Pasta Sauce and Mushrooms w/ Red Onions.

Snack: 2 Oat Cakes with PB + Pear.

After Exam Treat: Glass of Red Wine.

Poppy Seed Crackers + Cheese.

Lunch/Dinner: Spaghetti Bolognese (Beef Mince), Wholewheat Spaghetti + Cheese.

Revision Snack: Gala Apple + Banana.

Well that's what I managed to snap this week :D

Hopefully now I'm finished Uni for the Year I can focus on baking and cooking from scratch again. I love to experiment with new recipes and ingredients.

So Hopefully next weeks WAIW will be full of them!

Happy Wednesday Everyone : D


  1. So jealous of that glass of red wine you had! I'm trying to not drink this month but red wine is my favourite so it is not always the easiest :)

    Well done on finishing your exams!

    1. Thank You Jan :D Yes, it's one of my faves also. But sadly I'm the only one out of my friends and family who will drink it!

  2. I have weeks when I completely forget to take photos. This week is pretty good! Have a great week!

    1. I have them most weeks haha. You too Frances :D

  3. Those poppy seed crackers look great. I just love poppy seeds :)

    And I think bananas and apples are basically the perfect snack if there ever was one!

    Congrats on being done at college for the year!

    1. Thank You :D I know bananas are one of my favourite on the go snacks, and the poppy seed crackers are seriously addictive and delicious!

  4. Replies
    1. It was the perfect end to a busy week. Thanks for stopping by Sonja :D

  5. Ooh yum everything looks really good; especially that pasta with quorn sausages, looks so satisfying!

    1. It was! But the only thing it was missing was cheese because I was out and too lazy to go get some :D

  6. Poppy seed crackers sound fantastic! And boy oh boy do I miss quorn sausages: I've been able to find everything *BUT* over here in the US :( Also, that cereal combo is such a winner in my books, as is pb on oat cakes :) So much yumminess!

    1. Really? They are my favourites. I put them with everything :D
