So to keep lethargy at bay I have decided to once a week (maybe Saturday or Sunday), to make a general plan of my week. This will include a general outline of all the things I want to work on over Summer.
And they go as follows:
1. Exercise.
Exercise is something I want to focus on over summer. I want to improve my fitness and set mini goals to hit and achieve every week. I have realised from previous attempts in the past, that I am someone who thrives off mini goals set frequently, rather than a goal set to be achieved three months from now.
2. Cooking and Baking.
Savoury and Sweet. Over Summer I want to try making new things, and with all the free time I'm using it as a good chance to experiment : D So there will definitely be posts focused on the recipes I try out each week.
3. Dissertation.
Over Summer I wont be completely doing no work as I am going to start getting research done for my dissertation ready for the next Uni year. Every week I hope to allocate a couple hours to it (not including re-reading certain books I need).
4. Researching Internships and looking into Jobs for next year.
5. Finding casual work to do over Summer.
At the moment this is the general outline of things I want to focus my time on! I'm sure if I think of any more they will get added to the list.
So here's my plan for next week:
Monday: Do Three Times + Yoga Zone.
Tuesday: Beginner Workout x3.
Wednesday: Jillian Michaels Six Week Abs (Level 1) + Yoga Zone.
Thursday: Get Healthy Week 1.
Friday: A Jillian Michaels Dvd.
Saturday and Sunday: One Rest Day/Other Own Weights Workout.
So that's the general idea of my plan for the week. Short workouts I can fit around all the socialising : D
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