Monday, 30 September 2013

FMM: The This or That Edition

Hey Kenlie we have missed you on here too. I look forward to this link-up at the beginning of each week
 :-D and reading your posts throughout the week. So don't ever feel like you're invisible! And losing 11.8 is amazing, don't ever undermine your efforts.

Happy FMM everyone :-D

This or That?

1. Meat and potatoes or pasta?
It usually depends on my mood, but I would normally always choose Pasta because there are so many options etc.

2. Do you prefer Apple or Android? 
Android, I have a Samsung phone and although I have an ipod I have experienced some problems in the past with ipods.

3. Do you kiss and tell, or do you keep it private?
It depends... and I'll leave it at that.

4.  If you had to choose one, would you choose Facebook or Twitter? 
Hmm... I use them both in different ways. I use Facebook for personal only and Twitter I use both for my blog and personal. But I am leaning more towards Facebook at the moment.

5. Christmas or Valentine’s Day?  
Christmas all the way! I am already getting excited for it.

6. If you joined a band, would you prefer to do vocals or play an instrument? 
Well since nobody should ever hear me sing for any serious reason, I will have to play an instrument.

7. Hot weather or cold weather? 
Hot Weather all the way!

8.Calorie counting or tracking points?
Calorie counting for me please.

9.Yoga or kickboxing?
I like Yoga but I have never kickboxed so who knows?!

10. East Coast or West Coast? 
Errm... since I don't live in America and I have never visited, I will just say where I prefer to go more (though I want to visit all over) - West Coast!

P.S - I've just realised that the text is different on answers 1,2 and 10 - I have no clue?!

xoThanks for Readingxo

MIMM: Food, Relaxing and Tablets

Happy MIMM everyone :-D Thanks to the lovely Katie for hosting.

That title basically sums up my weekend. Oh, and throw some un-needed shopping in for good measure. Really Clo? I think you can slow down your spending for a while you crazy lady!

These are just two of the make-up items. All my other purchases are scattered around, but they will be photographed at some point.

Moving on from de-motivating myself from my shopping obsession...

Ok, so it doesn't look too bad, but I have a leather jacket in my wishlist/ I may have to get list:


Source (1)                                                                             Source(2)

I love Topshop clothes in general, but I do find them slightly too pricey to shop there all the time. But when I went in on Saturday I fell in love and now I want to spend money on a jacket I definitely don't need but definitely want! To be honest I am kind of favouring the one on the right slightly more :-D

Anyways, other than my unhappy frowny bank balance, I have basically spent my weekend trying and failing to get better. I still have cold/flu-like symbols and have now progressed to coughing up gunk. Sorry for the TMI, but it happens.

Marvellous for me this week definitely has an emphasis on health and my general well-being, after falling ill nearly a week and a half ago now. This is why I have spent the weekend hydrating, eating and relaxing whilst remembering to shove a couple of tablets down my throat every four hours.

Cottage Pie... To help my throat obviously, and it didn't hurt my tummy either!

Hopefully my efforts will be rewarded by the end of the week, when I start feeling healthy again.

Leather Jacket on the right or left?

Are you now cooking wintry/fall meals?

xoThanks for Readingxo

Sunday Set-Up...

It is that time of the week again, and I always feel better once my week is laid out in front of me. It helps me establish and remember what's happening. That way I plan around it, and hopefully don't get an unwanted surprise when I forget about an appointment, or annoyed at myself if I don't get some exercise in or whatever.

At the beginning of term I was all like...

classes aren't going to be that bad, I should definitely get a job because I will have plenty of time. Really, Clo?

I do not know what I was thinking, or what I was on but that is definitely not going to be the case!

I clearly didn't pay enough attention to my timetable. Being fair to me though, the timetables barely went live two weeks ago. Which in my opinion was ridiculous, and they should never use this method of picking modules for the academic year again. But then I printed it out and paid close attention to it, and it basically told me that this semester I am going to be busy....really fricking busy. It doesn't appear it if I show you my general timetable on here. But I also have to factor into this disseration time and reading time and when you see my reading list for this semester that doesn't leave that much time - at all.

Mon: 12:15-13:15 - WT302, 13:15-15:15 - EX325

Tues: No Classes. Phew!

Wed: 09:15-11:15 (Every Fortnight) - WT302 Workshop, 12:15-13:15 - WT375

Thurs: No Classes. Phew!

Fri: 09:15-11:15 - EX316, 11:15-13:15 (Every Fortnight) - WT375 Workshop

I am crazily still applying for jobs and internships etc, but now if I don't get a job it's not as though I won't be busy!

Originally I didn't have Thursday off, but I managed to be picked for the Wednesday Workshop group instead of the Thursday one. But my plan for work is to just keep at it, most days and get work done. Admittedly, I took yesterday off but over here I am really ill and it's affecting my sleeping etc. But I am getting straight back on that working horse today! Making sure that I am prepared for tomorrow, and caught up on my reading for the first half of the week.

I also need to make a complaint to an online beauty company about an order I received Friday. I mean who doesn't bubble wrap a face powder! Now I have a crushed face powder that has leaked all over my other items and is unusable.

Anyways that's enough moaning...

This is just going to be a general outline of my week. I am hoping to get better as the week progresses, and maybe even make a full recovery. Finger crossed.

Monday: Walk in the morning. (Hopefully I don't wake up feeling terrible!)

Tuesday: Go food top-up shopping and check out the shopping outlet's down the road. Walk.

Wednesday: I'm in 09:15-13:15, so I'll probably go for a Walk afterwards. But I have a doctors appointment in the evening that I need to remember to go to.

Thursday:Morning Walk and Weight Session (I hope so, because I haven't used my weights in a couple of weeks now!).

Friday: Not sure if I have got a workshop after my early morning class on Friday (I am praying it's a no-go!) Walk in afternoon.

Saturday: In my town starting next Friday is a literature Festival (The Cheltenham Literary Festival - The Times!), and this year I am excited because I get to go with a friend to listen to an hour long talk with Helen Fielding who wrote 'The Bridget Jones' Books. I read the first book over summer and really enjoyed the structure of the book, but I've loved the films since they came out. But it's always nice to know what they kept to and what they did differently.

                          Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding

Sunday: Chill, and catch up on work. Some kind of exercise!

So my plans for next week are very relaxed. I am slowly adapting back into student life and this year (it being my last year of education), I have high aims and goals I want to achieve.

That being said it's all about balance, and so I need to make sure that I am making time for the things I love in life and the things that make me happy. That includes exercise and socialising :-D

But to be honest no-one wants to hang out with me today. I am ill and I am starting to seriously bitch about the fact that I am ill, which lets face it is never good and extremely annoying to boot!

And to end some of my favourite walking quotes:

                    Walking first thing in the morning is a great way to clear your mind and envision your perfect day!

Walking empowers you.

xoThanks for Readingxo

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Recipe Testing - Birthday Wishes Edition

This week two of my housemates turn 22, and so we decided to make them cakes to celebrate and test out our baking or in this case non-baking skills. Abby was up first on the 23rd and so this is the cake/desert we decided to make for her.

Chocolate Mousse Cake

Get your thickened cream at the ready.

And your Plain Chocolate Biscuits.

Weigh-Out your biccy's.

Our Set-Up.

Melt Your Chocolate (All 400 grams of Plain/Dark Chocolate).

Break-Up your biscuits and toss them in the blender. The smaller you break them up, the easier it is to blend into a crumb base.

Once your Chocolate has completely melted, remove from boiling water to reduce the temperature.

You may have to get messy for this part, and get your hands right in there. Making for a smooth base.

Pour Melted Butter into the blended biscuits and blend it up some more.

I promise you the finished base isn't as gross looking.

Pour mixture into base, and put into fridge for 30 minutes.

(Insert Image of Whisked Cream Here!)

*Sorry there isn't a photo of this part. We didn't have our electric whisk and so we had to take it in turns hand whisking the cream. Nightmare by the way and painful, we now all have one arm bigger than the other!

*Basically, put your cream into a bowl, and the recipe says whisk until soft peaks before you fold the same/similar temp chocolate into the the cream. Honestly we whisked it for over half an hour and it thickened but we didn't get as much air into the mixture as we probably should have. But when you fold the chocolate and the cream together you can get air into it that way.

*Finally once it is properly mixed together pour onto base that you have left to cool in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Put it in the fridge for 3 hours and then go check.

And then light the candles (, and start singing).

Then ask the birthday girl to blow them out, whilst you poorly sing happy birthday at her (NOT -ADVISED).
Oh and pick the wax off!

Cut up a slice, spoon some ice cream out and enjoy...


*400 grams Dark Chocolate.
*600 ml of Thickened Cream.
*179 grams Plain Chocolate Biscuits.
*85 grams of Butter (to melt).

Original Recipe.

I would like to try this recipe once again, but make it lighter and healthier (if that's even possible!). Well you get lighter chocolate mousse's in the store.

Have you got any classic birthday cake recipes you like to whip out and make for people?

xoThanks for Readingxo

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

A Snapshot Of My Tuesday Eats

My Tuesday eats were pretty decent, most were photographed some were not! I seriously need to start getting my head in the game on Tuesday's, especially because at the moment it's one of my days off. I can report that cooking and baking are once again going well, and that I am starting to get back in the swing of things. So, go me!

I'm just going to show you my snaps and then what I missed out, so that you get the entire picture. I'd like to say thanks to the comments I got on the last WIAW, they were full of great advice and motivation. I still need to start keeping a diary, but this week has been manic with back to school madness and a case of fresher's flu. I may have to start cooking my favourite soups in batch to ward off a potential infection!

Bananas, because you can never have enough.
Recycled Photo.

Muller Bio-Yoghurts.
These things are ace. Probiotics.

Boiled Eggs on Toast - extra black pepper!
A Favourite.

Jacket Potato, Prawn Mayo and Salad with Cheese.

I was seriously carving Prawns yesterday. I know it's a strange thing to crave, but it was oh so tasty!

Birthday Mousse Cake.
This is the Recipe I will be posting tomorrow. Disclaimer: It's not exactly healthy, actually it's super unhealthy but it's what my friend wanted us to make for her birthday and so who could deny the birthday girls wishes!

We've been hit with a minute heat wave over here, and so I am not ready for those soups yet. Though we did make a tasty leek and potato soup the other day.

Oh and the things missing are as follows; a naughty afternoon coffee from Costa, Green Grapes and Raw Carrots!

Thanks to Jenn as always for hosting, you're a star :-D

Are you ready for soups and hotter meals yet?

Is the temp where you live dropping yet? I know I have a cold but I am on fire!

xoThanks for Readingxo

Monday, 23 September 2013

What's Better Than Friendship?

And Monday's are back with force! Well for me they are anyways, as I have two different classes today. Yep Mondays will be one of my busiest days of the week from now on. And the way in which my timetable has turned out this year means that I am taking lots of my CAT's in the first semester and not so many next semester. Which means the pressure is on to get the grades I want consistently across my classes.

Not a lot happened this weekend to be honest, so I thought I'd just share a couple of photos from Thursday night when we went out for Fresher's week.

It was a great night had by all, but the late nights finally got to us last night, when everyone decided to retire early. Marvellous is definitely friendship. Especially friendships when there's no thinking too hard about what you say or the way you behave, but friendships that let you just be you. That's especially a marvellous thing, and something that is often a rarity yet we are lucky enough to have!

Thanks to Katie as always for hosting this meet up : D It always gives me a chance to reflect back on what has been marvellous and what I am valuing as of late. And it reminds me of how lucky I am!

Happy MIMM guys :-D

Did anyone else go out for Freshers?

Are anybody else's Mondays busy or otherwise about to be?

xoThanks for Readingxo

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Sort-of Sunday Set-Up

Tomorrow will mark the first week of Semester 1 Classes and also the beginning of my last year. Scary stuff. But I also want to make sure that I make time to fit everything in this semester. No matter how stressed I get, I need to relax and remember that balance has been achieved before and will be achieved again. I just have to have faith in my ability to work as hard as I can. I sure know the pay-off come Christmas will definitely be worth it.

Sometimes, I will have to remind myself that things don't always go as planned and that is in fact ok. It is definitely not the end of the world and my reactions and decisions will be key to handling this. And that it is my reactions and decisions that define me. Lists will once again become my best friend, and like last year my caffeine consumption will borderline on the insane! The saying 'It will all be worth it!' will be in fact a daily chant that I recite to myself in order to keep my sanity, whilst balancing a textbook on my head and lifting some weights.

Make notes #ucas #university

What I am trying to say, is that things are about to become insane, but my handling of the situation will change the way the year goes. Even when things are stressful I am going to split my time into things I need to get done academically and things I do for me. Balance, balance, balance....obviously balance is not always attainable down to the dot, but I can certainly try right?

Haha :D Source

I already know the things that make me smile, and so I am going to list them right here to make sure when I re-visit this post in a time of need they will act as a reminder!


With the cooler weather I now want to BAKE ALL THE THINGS!


Ever heard the saying often used by men "bros before hos"? I got this meme from It is so funny to me because it plays on Shakespeare writing. I think this is relevant because Shakespeare sometimes approaches his plays by writing his characters to speak in prose, but sometimes they may speak in verse. Retrieved from: by Tacoi Sumling.


*Exercising (general)
I see this very happy middle aged couple who jog by my office about this time every day.  I dedicate this meme to their persistence in exercising together regularly!
Baha...this is definitely me and my best friend. On occasions, I have been known to stop and bend over because I am crying so hard. Source

And because I saw this one too and couldn't resist including it...
Shut up and train! #training #motivation #talk #dare #workout #bodybuilding #shutup #weightliften #motivated #focus #healthy #hardwork #exercise #funny #meme #serious by ildhund86, via Flickr
Source - I think it has happened to all of us! Am I right?


*Socialising with Friends
Dick Clark´s Rock and Eve!<3
From one of the best episodes! Source

#shopping #someecard #meme #shoe #CobbHill #humor
: D Source

Ahh I have had dreams about organising my things like the above!

My plan for this week is simple as far as cooking and exercise is concerned. Make time for both. Check out signing up to a gym with friends and go for walks. Maybe we will even get a chance to go swimming or running for the first time since back! I sure hope so.

Oh and before I go...this film is out soon and I can't wait to get it. Did anybody else see it over Summer? Definitely one of my favourites!

Although the "underdogs overcoming odds" storyline isn't the most original, Monsters University is still a very solid Pixar movie.
Aww...two of my favourite movie characters right there.

Hope you all had a great weekend, and now back to the weekly grind!

xoThanks for Readingxo

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Bad Belly, Snacking and a New Favourite Cereal...

Happy WIAW guys :-D

Due to the fact my stomach wasn't feeling it's best yesterday (or for the last four days now), be prepared for a lot of snackage and no real meals. I have a feeling this is how my meals may be for a while on and off until I once again find out what the hell is upsetting it. But since I had peppers in both the curry and pasta dishes I made on Sunday and Monday, my guess is that it might be something to do with that. I hope I haven't developed an intolerance for them, but when I was researching IBS the other day, for the millionth time (seriously that's how it feels), it mentioned digesting them can sometimes be hard for those with IBS. Meh...I guess I'll have to trial and error it.

Well that's the bad belly explained! Now for the evidence of my snacky meals, and a picture of the cereal I had one bowl of and decided it's an instant fave :-D

Thanks to new momma Jenn for Hosting this shindig while looking after her little chickpea!

I kid you not this is what I ate, and I am still paying for it this morning. Ok, so I realise it's not the healthiest of meals, but I didn't consume that much to feel like this. This whole semester is probably going to be about figuring out my stomach issues...again. I need to make an appointment with the doctors (I promise mom) and get hospital apps booked etc. But it will be annoying if after all the apps I am back to square one!

Anybody else have IBS/A bad stomach? What do you avoid?

Have you been feeling snacky recently?

xoThanks for Readingxo

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Catching Up

Over the last few days I took a much needed break from blogging. I did write an important post that I want to share with everyone soon, but for now I am just going to be posting sporadically. I know I keep saying it, but I am still tired most days for no explained reason. But I've just been giving in and napping in the early evening to balance things out. I figured if my body wants a nap, give it what it wants and rest up!

And that's basically what I have been doing.

I arrived back in my university town on Sunday, and I have just been spending my time catching up with friends and getting settled again. It seems to have taken me forever to unpack and I still haven't finished. I guess I did bring slightly more stuff with me this time, but I think its more my laziness to get organised and accept that the first semester of my last year is beginning next week. Meh...I am looking forward to it, but I have the feeling that this will be the quickest year of education I have had so far. The year I feel is just going to whizz by, and before I know it I will be actively having to look for work. Maybe, even for jobs I don't want to take as well. There will be no more student loans and no more grants, which I find more nerve racking than anything. There's no guaranteed security, and as you probably know, I am not exactly a risk taker - instead I'd rather play it safe!

But I have this feeling, and it's telling me that my most stressful year is upon me. After 21 years of education I will finally be leaving the cocoon of learning to find my way in the "real" world. That being said it makes me want to make the most out of this year even more! And to go after opportunities and apply and attend everything I've never dreamed and also always wanted do. I have taken to call it my year of chance. Where chances are everywhere and there for me to take. Why not right? If I don't others will, and in the world of work you need to think about yourself before others.

Having a determination to not let the year slip away, if I am honest, is always how I begin each school year. But something always happens, gets in the way and then I am left asking 'Where did the year go? And how is it already examination time?'. That thing is called life, and is sometimes a huge pain in my huge behind! But I am hoping this year I manage to accomplish all of what I set out to do. 

My determination is definitely stronger this year, and I have this thing in my head like a clock ticking down as I cross off each day of my giant wall calendar. Letting me know on a daily basis that doomsday will come (my last exam) before I know it, and that it's coming whether I choose to accept that little fact or not. And you know what... maybe it's time to face it head on for what it's worth?! Instead of ignoring the fact, and hoping that time will magically slow down somehow. Be cool if that happened right? Or maybe if I borrowed the time-turner from Hermione so that I could achieve everything I wanted to do. 

Well, there I go again...dreaming. It's been a common theme for the last twenty years, and I doubt I will break it in the next few months but I can make a conscience effort to in fact embrace it. Lap it up whilst I have the chance and use it for my advantage. Dream big I say :-D

Are you studying/learning for your last year in education?

If so, how do you feel about it?

xoThanks for Readingxo

Friday, 13 September 2013

Friday Feelings, Update, New Goals...

First of all apologies, this post may be a bit of a ramble. You have been warned ha ha!

As you can probably tell by the title, my mind is all over the place at the moment. But I am just trying to deal with every day that comes, which makes making goals a little harder.

My feelings on this very bleak Friday the 13th are as follows; I am tired, my stomach is in pain (should have known better than to eat the pizza!), and I am not in the mood for much. Now this happens to everybody at the some point or other, and we all experience our highs and lows right? This just happens to be a not so good day for me. It happens. I just need to get through it as best as I can and get on with everything I need to. Maybe having an early night? I fell asleep during 'The Expendables' and woke up about 11pm yesterday. But lately I could honestly sleep for half the day and still need more sleep. I have no clue what's going on!

My best day this week was probably Monday, and that's when I involuntarily had to get up early and get stuff done! So, with that, everyday this week I woke up early after eight hours or so of sleep. But it just isn't long enough. Maybe tomorrow I should try a lie-in.

All I know is yesterday felt like a wake-up call, something telling me that I need to get everything together again and sort things out. Or I could be in trouble! So, I made a list dependant on what I need to prioritise in the clean up.

My List:

* Stop drinking Juice and other sugary drinks (they have snuck back in!)

* Limit Crisps and Sweet Treats (not to enjoyed daily - choose healthier options!)

* Smaller Portions (concentrate and stop when the signs of being full begin!)

* Stay Hydrated (mainly drink water!)

* Use walking to clear my head!

So, there we have it my feelings, update and new goals!

xoThanks for Readingxo

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Time For A Change

And whilst I am writing this post I am singing 'Changes by Ozzy Osbourne and Kelly Osbourne' in my head. Catchy. Anyways like the title says, I am feeling a change coming on. Nothing too dramatic for this blog, it's just the title of the blog really that I am keen to change! I picked the title for this blog a year and a half ago now, and a lot as changed. I only really started using this blog as a writing outlet at the beginning of the year, and as I have got more and more into it things that I used to like no longer serve the purpose they had. This includes the title!

It's also time for an added change. I find myself lately wanting to write posts that wouldn't necessarily go with the theme of this blog. Yes, this blog is all about my life, but it's mainly about; Health, Food, Cooking, Baking, Fitness, Exercise and what not. And that's the category they fall into, because that's the sort of things I started off writing about and I still love to write about! But I find myself wanting to write a post about the new shoes that I brought, or the new make-up that I have been trying out, and although I guess I could integrate those kind of posts into this blog I have made a clear decision to start a second blog where I can write about all of that. Don't know when that will be up and running yet, and I have probably picked the worst time of year to make that decision (it being the beginning of the school year and everything!) But it's what I want to do and are determined to do and so there you have it.

I have also decided that I want to have a crack at making YouTube videos that will all be linked to both blogs in content. I am excited by these up and coming personal projects, and I just hope I haven't overloaded myself too much!

This blog has been a massive help to my anxiety, and my road to recovery if you will. When I started CBT at the beginning of the year, I wouldn't have guessed where the next nine months would take me and I wouldn't have guessed this is where I would be. And I definitely wouldn't have guessed that my head would be in such a good place.

Sure I still suffer from anxiety, and in particular social anxiety. Maybe that fact will never change, but the difference is that I now have a hold on the situation, and have all the tools to help manage my problems. And you guys have no idea how much this blog and your views and comments help me to overcome that. 

Here's to change. Hope you all are well!


xoThanks for Readingxo

Have you ever had any type of therapy for whatever reason, and what are the things you do to cope with your problems?

How many blogs do you have? and Do you write about different things on each, or stick to one where you talk about all things?

Anyone else suffer from Social Anxiety? How do you cope?

Let me know, I would really love your feedback on the subject!

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

What I ate...Tuesday

Happy WIAW guys : D Congratulations to Jenn and her new little chickpea! She's adorable.

Peas and Crayons

Now as I mentioned on Monday I have been tired pretty much for the past few weeks now. And it sucks. But I have been trying to stay motivated and energised through exercise, food and general movement. But I guess my eats still reflect this because I am all about the short and easy meals and snacks for dinner that I have been eating.

Bon Appetit...

It's one of my favourites to begin the day.

Pineapple Fingers...there was no Mango?!

Errm...I kind of forgot to take a pic at the beginning because I was too hungry. Sound like me right? But then half way through as I was coming up for air I remembered. And so that's what this picture is. I know it looks disgusting, but I am forgetful! Sorry.

Full-Fat Greek Yoghurt and Pineapple Fingers.

50/50 Bread with Corned Beef and Beetroot (and of course black pepper).

This is one of the best combos ever. Whoever came up with it gets my vote.

Fudge. Me and my mom loves this stuff, and it's the perfect-sized after dinner treat.
Excuse the chipped nails they need to be re-done.

Baked Potato with Cheese and Beans (and oh look more black pepper, shock horror).

These things are pretty good, and I have actually caught my sister worshipping them (only joking) - but she is the one who got me on to these things and so after dinner last night I shared one with her.


I love my fruit when its fresh, and some would say unripe. How do you prefer yours?

Any nail varnishes you are loving lately? The weather has took a turn and I am looking for some more Autumn/Winter colours!

Anyone else like the Peanut Butter KitKat Crunchy's?

xoThanks for Readingxo