Sunday 24 February 2013

Sunday Set-Up

This week is going to be busy because I have a deadline Wednesday that I am going to spend the next few days working towards! Which is why I need to plan...plan...plan, and remember to write lists of things to do everyday so I am able to stay on top of everything.

If I didn't plan this week nothing would get done. So, I am making a plan for all areas of my life in my planner. But on here I will share what my plan is fitness-wise. This is going to depend also on how sick I get, hopefully I have caught it just in time and exercise as long as I take it slow will be ok.

Last weeks re-cap:

Saturday - I got the work out done.
Sunday - We didn't go for a run, but we went for a long 40 minute walk.
Monday - Nothing got done.
Tuesday - We went Swimming! I haven't been swimming in years and definitely can't wait to go back.
Wednesday - Nothing.
Thursday - Nothing.
Friday - At work all day.

The fact that I only intentionally worked out 3/7 days makes me feel a little disappointed in myself. I hate making excuses that's how I become complacent, so I am going to spare you the Bulls**t and me the Bulls**t, and instead say I am going to try better next week. It's all out practice and frequency makes perfect (or there abouts). I think went I have those days I should try doing some free weights and then if I still don't feel good I can still say I tried and did something.

This weeks Plan:

Sunday - Go for a walk. Free weights - training arms, back and shoulders.
Monday - Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred.
Tuesday - Strength Training session. 20 mins total.
Wednesday - Jillian Michaels Dvd.
Thursday - Strength Training session. 20 mins total.
Friday - Jillian Michaels Dvd.
Saturday - Nothing. Or maybe Yoga on the evening after a long training day.

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